cindyt-1.txt My First Time by Cindy Tresslisman When I think about that first time, my emotions almost get away from me. There is a lot of hurt and anger inside me toward him. His name was Jeff, and I really had a thing for him. In retrospect a lot of this anger is directed at myself. I was so naive as to believe that what we were doing was alright because we were in love. When I think of how stupid I was to fall for it, I feel betrayed, embarrassed and cheated, not only by him, but by my own lack of self-control. Up until this time in my life, sex had been something for girls to discuss as if all-knowing, and it was relegated to things that really didn't happen on a date, but did happen in a marriage, and of course, it was the subject of a lot of jokes. At 17, my dating history was only a little over three years. Most of the guys I dated came to my home to pick me up, waited in the living room for me and after the ballgame, party, or whatever, drop me off at my front door. Sometimes there would be a goodnight kiss. Then when I was a 15-year old sophomre, and a varsity cheerleader, along came Kevin. Kevin was a year ahead of me and was captain and a forward on our high school basketball team. Our first date was to his Junior Prom. By the time he got me home that night, I was madly in love. We didn't have any formal agreement or anything, just an unspoken understanding that we were now an official item. I stopped dating anyone else, he did the same, and "that was that" as they say. The guys I dated before Kevin didn't try to do more that a little kissing, and sometimes cop a little feel - - but when the hands began to rove, I just stopped it by telling them to stop. Kevin and I dated a lot, but didn't get so far along the heavy breathing routine that we couldn't pull in the reins. Sometimes he would stay a while when he brought me home and we would sit in the living room and play a little smacky-mouth and mash-face in the dim light. My dad and mom were usually upstairs in bed. We had been dating a year before Kevin took the initiative to place a hand over one of my breasts. I was wearing a very bulky ski sweater. It was the middle of March, but very cold still and we had been at the indoor ice rink. I could hardly believe it when I felt his palm press at me through the material. I had to look down to make sure it was what I thought it was. All I did was slide my own hand between his hand and mine, and he made a strategic withdrawal. For the next month or so, our kissing got more frenzied and the petting a little bolder. Soon I was letting his hand slide up under my blouse or whatever I was wearing to cup my bra covered breast. The unwritten, unspoken rule was "no petting below the waist." After a few of these above- the-waist sessions, he finally found that I would permit the bra to be unhooked so he could feel the natural me. During all this, we would kiss until our faces were wet with perspiration and saliva, and just about to fall off. Then in May, after the Senior prom, we were invited to a party for all the basketball team-members at their coach's home. The coach was a real nice guy and had gone all out to do something nice for his graduating seniors. We played pool, ate lots of chips and sweets, danced some more until everyone was just sitting around at 2:30 a.m. staring at each other. But after midnight there is only so much partying you can do, so we got together with Woody and Beth and headed for the bowling lane. Surprised to find it closed because it was a 24-hour facility, we just sat there in the car for a while and talked. Soon Beth and Woody were no longer in the conversation and the souds of their kisses and breathing began to dominate. Kevin and I looked at each other. He shrugged his shoulders and I did the same. He pulled me closer to him and we played, "if you can't beat'em, join'em." I'll have to say that Kevin was the best kisser I had ever known, not that I had known that many, but I was impressed. My gown was strapless, with a built-in underwire bra. All he could manage at first was to work his fingers into the top and tickle my nipples. The ball gown zipped in the back and Kevin found it with ease. I let him slide the zipper down to my waist, but squeezed his arm when he tried to take it further. He got the message. I had never allowed him to unbutton anything except my bra, and that only under my blouse. So he always had to work his way up from the bottom of my shirts and blouses. I was even careful not to wear a something like a tube top when we were dating. A girl has to be on her guard. As we sat ther he was able to pull the top away and get to my breasts easier than ever before. His lips left mine and trailed down my neck to where my shoulder joins it, a maneuver her had accomplished with skill many times. But when he lifted his mouth from my neck, instead of going back up, he went down. Holding one of my tits, he pulled at it and met it with his descending mouth. I had never felt anything so sensual in my whole life as him there sucling on my tender breast. Holding my right breast with his left hand, he let his head bob and twist as he paid homage to my left nipple. Then, still squeezing with his left hand, he shifted his head to taste the other one. I squirmed and let my hands move over his neck and ran my fingers through his hair. The only sound I was making was , "MMmmmmmmmmmmm..." I would have been embarrassed if Beth and Woody had known what was going on. All I could hear coming from the backseat was the smacking and slurping of a multitude of sloppy, wet kisses. As Kevin's mouth displaced his left hand, his left hand dropped to my lap and began to rub my right thigh through the dress stroking from my knee to just a few inched hips. Then on one stroke to the knee, his hand went beyond the material at the hem of the short dress and touched my bare knee (bare because I had doffed my pantyhose at the coach's house because they were to hot.) His left hand on my right knee didn't trouble me too much, but on the return stroke, his hand was running up my thigh under my dress. I didn't know how to react, so I didn't. His hand just rubbed and stroked the thigh up and down, moving a little high on about every third trip, his hand ran out of a place to go. The hand was now touching the silky material of my panties. I didn't want to call Beth and Woody's attention to this, so I just laid my head on his right shoulder and let him continue. Soon his huge palm was gripping my upper thigh, his four fingers to the ouside and his thumb resting against the crotch of my panties. Then he began to rub his finger up and down the cloth that covered my pussy. It felt so good that I let out a little, "Ahhhh," and let my thighs drift apart. Taking this as a sign of surrender, Kevin's hand forsook my thigh and pressed to my vee. In reaction, I squeezed my thighs tight to stop his progress, but the tips of his fingers were still able to slip up and down, and back and forth, until he managed to work the crotch of my panties to one side enough to cause my pubic hair to be pulled with each stroke. I got my mouth next to his ear and whispered so very quietly, "Kevin, please don't. We shouldn't." I drew in a deep breath and let it out in a sigh, adding, "I love you." He pulled back his head and looked at me and said, "I love you too, Cindy." And with that, and the knowledge that we couldn't DO IT here in the front seat with Woody and Beth in the backseat, I opened my legs for the guy who "loved" me. Kevin tried to get a hand to the waist of my panties, but I just whispered a firm, "No," at the same time, pressing my cloth covered crotch against his hand. Using a couple of fingers to pull the crotch of my undies out of his way, I finally felt him probe at my opening with his finger. He evidently did not know much about female anatomy because he could never find the way through the labia. In his quest, however, he succeeded in stimulating my clitoris just enough to make me want to take a flash light, put his face under my dress and show him where the sensitive spot was. "WHAP!!! Get off me!" I heard Beth scream. This brough both of us back to the present and when we looked in the back seat, there was Beth with her panties hanging off one ankle and Woody with the imprint of her hand was still lit on his reddened cheek. "Gosh, Beth, I'm sorry." Then both of them became aware of us staring at them. We didn't know what it was all about, but we knew the date was over. Kevin started up the car and we dropped Beth off. She just jumped out and told Woody that she knew the way to the front door. Next we let Woody out, then drove to my home in almost complete silence. Kevin walked me to the door and I remembered that I was unzipped. We both giggled as he pulled the zipper up for me. I was almost 4:00a.m., so I didn't invite him in, but I tiptoed and he bent down for our goodnight kiss. I found out the next day what happened in the back seat. Woody had brought a pack of rubbers and wanted to make it with Beth. She told Woody that he could go down on her and she on him, but that she didn't do the real thing yet. But when her panties were down and his fly opened, he tried to do the "real thing" that she doesn't do yet. I told her I was sorry because I knew she liked him a lot. She told me not to worry because he'd be back. Before she hung up the phone she said, "See, he's at the front door now." I'm not sure what it was, but something about her really turned me off. I didn't hear from Kevin on either Saturday or Sunday. On Monday he told me how much he liked me and how he didn't want to tie me down when he went away to Wake Forest, he didn't want me to feel trapped by our relationship. I swallowed what he had to say, smiled brightly and agreed that he was just thinking of my interests in the whole matter. He drove me home and I went upstairs to my bedroom, fell face down on my bed and cried my eyes out. I was still in shock when Jeff, a teammate of Kevin's asked me out for the next weekend. I turned him down with no explanation three weeks in a row. Then I finally agreed to go out with him. He was the only guy who ever came back after I said no to a date. The real reasoin I said yes was that I hoped to make Kevin jealous. So in reality, I was ready to be psyched, and although I don't like to admit it, that's exactly what happened. So Jeff and I began seeing each other on a regular basis after school was out for the summer, dating usually two nights a week. In July, Jeff called and invited me to go to the lake with him and two other couples from school. Jeff drove his car and one couple rode in the back. The other couple who turned out to be Beth and Woody were in another car. I could never see what Woody, who was a pretty decent guy for a geek, saw in that girl. The day started early and we were at the lake at 10:00A.M. We had planned to water ski, cook out, swim and just have a grand time. When we arrived at the lake, we were pleased to see that almost all of the wooded man-made islands were vacant. Usually, you have to have reservations well in advance but we had no trouble getting one for the rest of the day. The park ranger just told us that if it got crowded around here, we would probably have company before the day was over. But Tuesday is a slow day at the lake and we had not heard the weather report. Each of the dozen or so islands was equipped with picnic tables and grills. Some had covered pavillions, but the ranger wouldn't let a party of six take any of those. So we got the rental boat from the dock, loaded our picnic gear and went to the island to stake our claim. On the island, the guys opened the cooler and handed out the beer. I declined and opted for a coke. In all my dates with Jeff and I had never seen him drink anything but sodas, and I suppose I was just a little disappointed. Kevin had been,like me, a tea-totaler. Well, we did some water skiing and then came back and laid on the shore on a blanket. Bobby and Diane did the same thing. Beth and Woody went to the other side of the island out of our sight. When we first lay on the blanket, the sun was shining, but a small shower came up and we had no cover except trees. Instead of running for the trees, Bobby and Diane, the couple who rode with us, pulled the blanket over themselves, so I didn't object when Jeff did the same for us. This gave us an area of blanket under us about the size of a twin bed, so we were pretty close. I was inside the folded side, by the way. So there we were all cuddled up against the rain and we could hear Diane giggling. I said, "I wonder what they're doing?" "This," Jeff said and he rolled over and kissed me. I had allowed him kisses on our previous dates, but nothing else. There was no objection from me because I enjoyed it, and I returned his kiss. When he rolled over, it put the blanket in a bind so that I was pressed really close to him. I honestly couldn't tell if his forearm was sneaking a feel of my tits or not. So I pretended he wasn't and let his arm stay between us. I figured that it was alright as long as there were no hands involved. Jeff was dressed in a loose-fitting bathing suit that came about half way down his thighs, but I was wearing the skimpiest bikini that my mom had ever allowed me to buy. It tied at the sides of my hips and the top tied in back and also had a neckstrap. By today's standards, it was conservative for a bikini. Still, it showed the tops of my 34B's and I had to keep pulling at the bottoms to make sure my ass didn't hang out too much. The neckstrap hung down in front. "Hey, what are you two doing over there?" Diane called. I just giggled and Jeff said, "We'll never tell." "Bobby! Give that back!" she squealed and giggled again. I looked out from under the blanket and saw Bobby's hand holding Diane's bikini top straight up in the air, and her hands were trying to grab it. As I watched, the struggle stopped. The bikini top fell to the ground outside their blanket. All I could see was their forms squirming under the blanket. It was then I realized he was removing her bottom also. This made me really uncomfortable and I know I blushed as I ducked under the blanket again. There was Jeff, kissing me again, and me liking it. When his hand finally cupped one of my breasts, I reached to pull it away, but as my hand touched his, he whispered, "Just let me hold you for a minute." So I did. He wasn't touching my skin, only my bikini. After all, I had let Kevin do as much. When his fingers hooked over the top, I started to say something, but before I could, I heard Diane squeal and giggle again. As I echoed her laugh, before I knew what eff was doing, my right tit was hanging out and He was pecking it lightly with kissed. I tried to rationalize that this was o.k., because I was not going all the way. I had let Kevin feel my bare tits and suck on them. I was breathing hard and was feeling funny down between my legs. I squeezed my thighs tight to hopefully stop the feeling. The thought of Kevin's hand between my thighs flashed in my mind. By now Jeff had me locked in his arms and my top was completely untied and laying across my belly. His hands and mouth were setting me on fire. I kept thinking, "I'm not going all the way." I thought of Diane, not 10 yards away with Bobby. I wondered if both og them were naked under the blanket. I could imagine that I I looked out there, that I would see him on top of her, moving up and down. The thought sent a wave of heat through my body. Suddenly, there was a loud clap of thunder and the rain really poured down. We could hear Diane screaming and laughing and saying, "Let's run for it." I refused because of my state of unress - - at least that's the excuse my mind made. As soon as they were gone, Jeff's hand was on my ass. Again I was thinking that since he was only touching my bathing suit, it was o.k. With that thought not yet erased, he slipped his hand under the soft material so that he was feeling and squeezing my bare bottom. I reached a hand down to pull his away, but he was still ahead of me. He removed the hand from my ass before I could make him. Then I knew why he did not object to me wanting his hand moved. The side tie of my bottom was open and his hand was on my belly between my navel and my sex. "Please don't, Jeff," I said in as pitiful a voice as I could muster. "I promise all I'm going to do is just touch you, Cin," he whispered, letting his hand leave that area and begin stroking my thigh. Jeff must have rubbed ALL the unforbidden areas of my body after that. He touched my hands, my face, my hair, my arms, but he did keep on kissing my lips and my breasts since that was territory already claimed. Occasionally, he would suck very hard on a nipple, sending me soaring with the erogenous effect. I could feel his cock through his bathing suit and I could tell it was erect as he was rubbing it against my upper leg. He was sort of laying half on and half off me. When I became uncomfortable, I tried to shift and this caused one of his legs to sort of "innocently" drop between my thighs. At first the leg was covered by the fabric of his bathing suit and it moved and pressed against my pubic mound. Jeff's soon had the leg of his swimsuit pushed up so that his bare thigh was now pressing there. Then came his hand just as I knew it would. My thighs had been separated by his right leg, and the hand that rested on top of my thigh just seemingly slid to the vee made by my thighs. Although he had never mentioned love, I think I wanted to assume it because it would make all this that was happening O.K. To my surprise, and what I later realized to be a very sly maneuver on his part, his hand left my pubic area. Instead, it came to rest on the breast which was currently not occupied by his mouth. I had always had some notion of what someone meant when they talked about getting "hot." I remembered how it had been with Kevin, especially on Prom night and that was what fit my notion of "hot." My notion was wrong, for I discovered exactly what they meant when Jeff did what he did next. The thigh that was interposed between my thighs began to press and move against my crotch. As his leg bent, his knee pressed hard at my pubic bone. It was like he was going to put his knee inside me. But what he did do was to furiously massage my pussy with his kneecap. I had never heard any of my girlfriends talk about this, but it started to really turn me on. He did not seem about to stop and I could feel myself climbing to some peak way up there, closer now, but still out of reach. All my protestations were melted in this feeling of being "hot." The hands left my tits, but his lips continued to worry the little peaks. Up to this time, in spite of "hot", in spite of passion, in spite of what others were doing, I had no intention of going further than this very heavy (understatement) petting. And I almost resolved to stop everything in its tracks when he did what he did next. I don't know how he managed so quickly and deftly, but the next thing I knew, the safety of his bathing suit between was gone. I was shocked into a near panic when I discerned that it was not just his hairy thigh against me, but his abundant pubic hair pressing against my right outer thigh trapping his manhood against my flesh. Gathering what little of that resolve I had left, I said, "Jeff, we better stop." He raised up a little and I could see his face looking down at me even under the blanket, "O.K. I don't want to do anything you don't want to do." Then he said, "God, Cin, you're beautiful." I couldn't believe that I had waited until now to actually blush. But he was looking down at my body, holding the blanket up so he could see me, an expression of awe on his face. I don't think I had ever felt more important or appreciated by anyone other than my family in my life. This was the first time I had ever let any boy see me naked. "I just want to hold you for a minute," he said. Jeff laid his head down on my breasts with one ear covering a nipple. He slid his left arm under me and his right arm was draped over my waist. I brought up one hand and began to rub his head. The rain had stopped, but we soaked inside the blanket, our body heat causing a tepid warmth that was actually very pleasant. As I rubbed his head, his right hand began to stroke my right side. I said, "Don't, that tickles." He moved his hand from my side and down to my left leg. He began rubbing it very lightly and I enjoyed the feeling. His head twisted and he kissed the ear-warmed nipple and suckled it lightly. I felt my emotions stir again. Holding my left leg with his right hand, Jeff rolled off me, onto his side, pulling me with him, and draping my left leg over his right leg. Then he was kissing my lips again, and I pressed my tongue into his mouth. The hand on my leg lifted it at the knee, and then slid to my pussy very quickly. This time, his fingers began to massage and stroke the hairs and the top of my mound. It felt so good. Then I could feel a finger stroking along the line of my slit...up and down, over and over until, the labia opened for him. His fingers inside my quim suddenly felt foreign and I could have stopped it there. This is further than Kevin was able to go and I was becoming frightened. Jeff pulled out his finger and inserted his thumb in the still open gash. This inverted digit was pressing its second knuckle against my clitoris and I melted. He pushed and pulled in and out of me with his thumb for a couple of dozen strokes I imagine, and then he rolls over on top of me. I am in a daze and want to say no. I am even aware that all I have to do is say no and he will stop or it would be rape. Well it wasn't rape. I did not resist in any way. It was as if I were willing this to be so. I did not know what to do with my hands, so I put my arms around his neck and pressed my nody up against his. I will probably never know how much encouragement he felt from that one move. His thumb moved in a circle a few times and then pulled out of me. He put his hand on his dick and placed it at where he thought my opening should be. He jutted forward and it bounced off my butt hole. At least he had found it with his fingers. Even Kevin couldn't do that. Jeff reached between us to find my pussy again, and guided himself to the opening, but just wasn't able to put it in. Acting as if I knew what I were doing, I put one hand down there to help him and when I had it aligned, he shot into me like a pile driver. No, I didn't scream and squeal like the ones you read about in the other books, but it did hurt like hell. Suddenly, it wasn't love or even sex. It was just an unwanted intruder invading my body. It was as if there was pressure inside me about to burst my eardrums, causing tremendous discomfort. I groaned with the pain somewhat, but now I know that Jeff did not understand it as pain. He thought it was a moan of passion. In answer to his perception of my response, Jeff immediately began rapid in and out thrusts. Every time his groin smaked mine, it made an audible "slap" and my breath would exit in a "whoosh." I don't know how many times he pounded me like this, maybe twenty or thirty times, but he went rigid and I could feel him grunt out his climax. Then he just collapsed on me. After a few moments of no movement from him, I pushed his chest and he rolled off of me. His wet limpness dragging a trail of his ejaculant over my thigh. I did not understand what was happening. He was no longer trying to touch me. He just lay there looking up at the blanket over his face, breathing deeply. I felt cheap and betrayed. I felt a drop of water running into my ass crack, when I suddenly realized it wasn't water after all. It was his semen. Fear and realization shot through me as I asked "Did you use anything?" "What?" "I don't want to get pregnant. Did you use anything." "No. You mean you're not on the pill?" "Jeff," I said trying to make my fear sound like exasperation, "Why would I be on the pill? I don't make this a common practice. This is my first time." He looked surprised, "No shit? Damn.. Uh, I didn't know." The surprise turned to concern, "Did I hurt you? Are you bleeding or anything?" I broke down and began to cry in earnest now. "Yes it hurt." "God, Cin, I'm sorry." "I'll be O.K.," I sobbed. Shutting him out of my mind, I began to count. I knew then that I probably had nothing to worry about this time because my period is supposed to start tomorrow or Thursday. The rhythm method sure worked for mom - - only my brother and I. Whether I was lying to myself or not, I didn't care right then. I just needed to feel better about it. With resolve, I promised to never let something this stupid happen again. Fool that I was, I let him start petting me and rubbing my back. I suppose it was because I thought we could make it go away, so in just a few minutes he was laboring over my breasts again, a finger probing deeply into my box. My new found resolve melted into counting days just to be sure, and then with hands on each side of his face, I pulled him up until we could kiss. My knees were raised making a perfect cradle for his body as it lay on mine. The head of his wet cock was trapped between our bellies. This time as he slide his body downward to find my opening, he probed, once...twice...and then sank easily into my cum drenched pussy. Jeff just lay there for a few minutes not even moving his lower body. He just kept kissing my face, my eyes, my neck, my lips and his hands burned trails over my torso and legs. I'm sure it was I who finally made the first move. I raised my feet and hooked them behind his muscular thighs and levered myself up against him. This movement drove him even deeper, making him moan with the pleasure. Then I alternately clenched and unclenched my strong cheerleader's thighs around him until I felt him make his first movement of withdrawal. He went so slow and easy that I wondered if this was a different guy than the first one, but I realized that Jeff was just trying not to hurt me again. I had never had a male induced orgasm. My only releases had been rarely with my own hand (I couldn't seem to get the hang of it) and the only other times were with an Oster vibrator and another toy or two that my mom keeps hidden under her bed. But my opportunity to share her toys were fairly limited. She didn't know I knew about them. Then Jeff was moving a little more. He began taking longer strokes, in and out of me, but the juices inside kept the friction to a minimum and I was not building to a peak like I knew I should. Then he surprised me by what he said. "Oh, fuck, Cin...fuck!...Yes, you're so good," he began as he continued the insertion and withdrawal. "Oh sweet, Cin... your pussy is so tight and sweet....unhgh.. Ahhh.. Yes Cin." And he just went on and on with stuff like that. I found that his words were a real turn on and I decided that if I wanted to get more out of this, I'd have to do my part. So I began to answer his thrusts with bumps and grinds of my belly against his. He held himself off me by one outstretched arm and carressed me wherever he could reach with his other hand. Letting my hand slide flat on my stomach down past my navel and into the area where we were joined, my thumb and forefinger circled his cock. I was delighted to feel my pussy lips climbing up it when he would withdraw only to be pressed back in as he pushed forward. Releasing him, I let my hand lay flat on my lower belly with fingers pointed at the juncture of our bodies. Edging the fingertips forward, I was able to use a fingertip to poke and prod my clitoris. This was just the impetus I had needed. Jeff caught on to what I was doing and he pulled his knees under him, careful not to loose the blanket covering us. This put a great deal more pressure on my newly broken-in twat, like a pry bar pulling up on it from the inside. The light that came throught the blanket let him look down and see his cock in me. Pulling my bottom up on his lap, he pushed further into me. Then he put his thumb into the space between his entry way and my love button. This position left his fingers to scratch my navel and bellyt. I thought he was going to rub the clitoris with the thumb, but instead he very slowly pushed his thumb as far as it would go into my cunt along the top of his penis. Pressing his hand away from his body hard against the apex of my opening, he began to glide the thumb back out and then in again. I could hear the blood begin to rush in my ears as my long-awaited orgasm hit me. It came on like a flood and I could feel my whole body giving way before it. All the times with my own hand...all the vibrators, could never match what he had done to me. Before my throes of orgasm had passed, Jeff withdrew his thumb and began to pump me with his wonderful tool. His hands were on my hips, but he let that magical thumb tip make its print on my clitoris. He didn't know that it was hurting me, but I was so grateful that I began bucking with him, trying to help out in the very awkward position. Jeff stopped the pumping for just a moment, stretched out his legs again and was fucking me again. And it went on and on. The next orgasm was unexpected and as he pounded me, I was chanting my response in time to his movement, "Unnh..uh..ahh..ungh..ohh..y-ess...uh...uh...ohhhhh...God...Hmmmm.. Mmmyph... Jeff... Ungh..aaaahahhha.. hoooo,,, eEeeeaaaaiaii... I-I.. mmmmm.. ohgod...ohgod...hungh..," and then I felt it take me and I let out my release in a low guttural moan reminiscent of a rutting beast, "UuuuummmmnnnnnnHHhaa- Aaaaiiiiiieeeeeeee.mmmmmmmmmmmmggngngn." As suddenly as the release came, Jeff jerked out of my pussy and moved to straddle my chest. Unprepared for this turn of events, my mouth opened in surprise and he fed me the end of his dick. I tried to push it out with my tongue, and then I even bit down. "Oh God, Don't Bite! Cin, Don't Bite!" I was appalled and disgusted to think that he would even think of me doing something like putting his penis in my mouth. The girls that did that sort of thing were the ones the others whispered about. I pulled him out of my mouth and said, "Get off of me!" through clenched teeth. I was furious with him. Of course I was really just an ignorant young girl who had already gone too far. Jeff salvaged the moment however, because my hand holding onto his cock was all it took to send him over the edge. He took my wrist and pumped my fist along the length of his cock. In just a few strokes cum was flying all over my tits and face. I was in a state of shock as he collapsed beside me. He put one hand on my chest and began to rub the jism into my tits. It felt good, but I just lay there stunned. I liked him a lot and I didn't want to loose the guy who got my cherry. So, naive as I was, I blurted out, "I love you, Jeff." I said it as much to apologize for getting mad as anything, but I really meant it and wanted to tell him so. His reaction was totally unexpected, "Cin, I - I like you..uh.. a lot, but, well, you know...this was just for...ahhh.. fun. Tammy's in Europe for the summer and... well.. we ....Gosh, Cin, I don't know what to say." I exploded. "You god damned bastard. You've been dating me for almost two months and never one time did you mention that stuck up little bitch!" I began to slap and hit at him. "You fucked me! You fucked me! Damn you!" I screamed as my fists flailed at him. He tried to get hold of my wrists, but I started pushing myself out from under him with my feet. "Get away from me! Let GO!" My head was now out from under the blanket and then the most satisfying thing that could have happened. My right foot trying to push me further from him slipped and landed solidly in his crotch. Jeff dropped into a fetal position grabbing his privates I suppose. Then I was out of the blanket, standing there in the raw. Jerking the blanket off his groaning form, I retrieved my bikini and put it back on. When I felt his juices running from my pussy and on my breasts, I burst into tears and ran down to the water and jumped in. Swimming out a ways, I pulled the bikini off and used my hands to try to clean myself, even trying to pull the sticky strings of semen from my vagina. I rinsed the bathing suit, put it on and swam for shore. I walked to where Jeff was kneeling still holding his crotch. I almost gagged when I saw the puddle where he had vomited. I just said, "Bastard! I hope I ruined it" and walked away. Diane and Bobby, and Beth and Woody were on the other side of the island grilling hot dogs. Their knowing look did not escape me as I tried to look nonchalant. Beth, who was not one of my favorite people in the world said, "Tammy is sure going to be pissed at you when she gets back." "Shut up, dick breath." I shot back. Shocked wasn't the word for her look. So that's the way it happened for me. I didn't speak to Jeff again that day. On the way home I rode in the back with Diane and made Bobby sit up front. Dick Breath did shut up. You better believe Tammy was pissed when she got back. She kicked him in the nuts too. Jeff went on to make a name for himself at a SEC university, and I never spoke to him again. Last I heard he had knocked up a cheerleader and her father made all the wedding arrangements. The pro scouts finally quit looking at him after he ruined a knee. Kevin, died of Leukemia just last year. It never went into remission. Oh yeah, Tammy. Well we became very good friends throughout my senior year of high school. We both went to the University of Maryland, but she tossed in the towel when a local restaurant owner promised to love, honor and cherish her, as well as shower her with anything she wants. She told me recently on a visit that although he is 15 years her senior, they have a good marriage, and that she fucks his brains out on a regular basis. And their twin girls are just precious.